Fading Suns for the Hero System
The following pages provide notes for running Fading Suns using the Hero System Fifth Edition rules.
- Introduction
- The Universe
- Characters
- Character Types
- Sample Characters
- Traits
- Characteristics
- Skills
- Benefices: Perks and Talents
- Afflictions: Disadvantages
- Occult
- Forbidden Lore: Technology
- Worlds
- Lord Erbian's Stellar Bestiary

Fading Suns is a trademark and copyright of Holistic Design Inc. The mention of or reference to any companies or products in this site is not a challenge to the trademarks or copyrights concerned.
The HERO System and all associated games, game products, terms, and images are copyright © 2009 by DOJ, Inc.
All other text, copyright © 2004-2009 by B.C. Holmes. Return to the my RPG page.