In a photograph taken by his wife, Lee Harvey Oswald carries the rifle with which he shot President and the pistol with which he shot Officer Tippit.
Better schools are the real goal of integration.
Don't sell the U.S. ski team short.
LIFE Guide
Where to see U.S. track stars
Well-planned Crawford
Movie star organizes everything for her tour. Special Report by Richard Oulahan
Was Jack Ruby Insane?
That is the question before the court as the killer of Lee Oswald goes to trial. By Ernest Havemann
The Beatle Invasion
They're here, and neither the U.S. nor its teen-agers will ever be quite the same
Items in the News
Terror in Cyprus
Murder and violence continue as the U.S. and Britain try for peace
Royal Love Affair
Princess Irene of the Netherlands is betrothed to Prince Carlos of Spain
A Missing Michelangelo?
Scholar says she has found a crucifix by the master -- but many experts disagree
Winter in Venice
Snow, mist and high tide bring a haunting beauty to the city. Photographed by Carlo Bavagnoli
Oswald: Evolution of an Assassin
A clinical study of the man who killed President Kennedy. By Donald Jackson
Whippet Wins at Westminster
Ch. Courtenay Fleetfoot of Pennyworth takes dogdom's highest prize
Too Much Leisure: Part II
Raised on a diet of hard work, Americans now face a glut of leisure. By Ernest Havemann
Bobby Fischer: Chess Master
A cocky boy wonder begins to grow up
Great Dinners II: Roast Beef
The most robust of all meats deserves precise cooking, finest wine and a menu in the grant style. Photographed by John Dominis
Wriggler under wraps
A portion of the cover of Life magazine for February 21st, 1964.
One of the most interesting Christmas presents I got this year was an original, 1964 copy of Life magazine, with the famous Oswald picture on the front.
This picture of Oswald, shown holding the two weapons was reportedly found in the garage of Ruth Paine (where Marina and their two daughters lived). This photograph would become Warren Commission exhibit 133A.